Post Jam Update

Now that the rating period for DCJam2023 has ended, I've uploaded a new build with the most significant jam entry bugs fixed and a little bit of polish. I'm leaving the actual content the same so people can get an idea of what the submission would have been without the last minute export issues.

Full list of changes:

  • Bugs
    • Fixed broken Inventory UI  
      • was caused by missing character resources in the export
    • Fixed trapdoor reset issue 
      • was caused by a property being skipped during import from the layout tool, so trapdoor showed default behavior of reopening
  • Polish
    • Shadows/improved lighting
      • A single check box in the light source turned on the ability for the light to cast shadows and resolved 99 % of the weird issues with light seeping through seams. Dark spaces are darker, and light spaces stand out more.
      • Added a touch of movement to the light source for torches.
    • Replaced flat keyhole sprite with UV mapped model
    • Adjusted distance between floors so they stack right on top of each other.
    • Adjusted models for pitfall and skylight tiles so you can look up/down through them for fairly seamless views of other floors.
    • Adjusted hit box on trap door to improve timing of fall through until character is more centered. 
      • more work is still needed here to animate the fall.
    • Added look-through effect & distortion to teleporter 
      • this is currently still mostly experimental and being used as a means to try to learn shaders. I don't dislike the current, but it isn't really close to what I intended

Known remaining bugs:

Fixing the inventory UI bug revealed a bug where upon death, the character's inventory carries forward. This isn't intended, but I'm not going to take the time to fix it because the code related to death/respawn was just added late in the jam to satisfy the need for a lose condition and will be completely replaced going forward. 

Files 23 MB
Apr 22, 2023 23 MB
Apr 08, 2023

Get Crumble:Curse of the Time Orb

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